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Post 7: Google - what I learned

 Google - What I Learned

I must confess since I got my laptop back in my junior year of high school, in all honesty, most likely before that too when tasked with researching something for schoolwork, google has been my primary tool for searching the internet. That being said, I had never taken the time before my classmate Missy Marrazzo's presentation to learn more about the company and search engine as a whole.

Missy talked in her presentation about how the inventors of Google met, which was in 1995 when Sergey Brin was tasked with showing Larry Pagey around Standford university, and how Google wasn't even the first site the two launched, their original site was one called "backrub". Google Beta was launched in 1998 and in 1999 they removed the beta. It only went up from there as in 2000 new languages were added, in 2004 Gmail (google's email component) was added, in 2008 the "Google Chrome" internet browser was launched, and the first google phone was produced in 2016. 

There are both positive and negative features the come with Google. Some positive features are the fact that the search engine is completely free to use and can be used as both a research tool as well as an advertising tool. Another benefit is the Google is a custom search engine and organizes the results of your search in order of popularity. Some negative effects of Google are that it is not the cheapest search engine to advertise on, sites like Bing and Yahoo are cheaper, as well as that people can pay to have their website higher up on the search engine as "ads." 

One thing, in particular, I have enjoyed the past few years is that Googles has done is since 2010, Google has created a video montage of "Year in Search." These videos do somewhat of a "rewind" of the previous year highlighting some major moments that people have searched for. The video from 2019 was very well done in my opinion, and I am very excited for the 2020 "Year in Search" to come out.

Missy's Google presentation was very informative and I truly appreciated learning more about the search engine I use every day.


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